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Calendar Page
The GHWC usually meets at the Grand Haven Golf Clubhouse on the third Monday of the month, September through May (unless otherwise noted). There is no meeting in January.
The December and May meetings are for members only, no guests.
Proper attire is business casual or country club style. Jeans, regardless of color or style should never be worn. The dress code is imposed by the Golf Club, not the GHWC.
Meeting Schedule: Check-in 10:30 - 11:00
Business Meeting and Speaker: 11:00 - noon
Lunch: Noon
The schedule may vary depending on the event or activities planned. Details are provided in the email that is sent out by the Notices Chairperson prior to the meeting.
Please review the Lunch Reservation Cancellation Policy.
The luncheon RSVP date is usually 10 days prior to the scheduled luncheon and it is specified on the email invitation. Walk-ins are not accepted.
Collections to the organizations that we support are indicated on the luncheon invitation. Click the Donation Suggestions button for details.
All events and club activities are communicated via email and are listed on the website.
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