Material Girls Photos

This brick at the AdventHealth Health Hospice House on Memorial Medical Pkwy and Moody Blvd. It honors the dedication and commitment of the ladies who make all kinds of things and donate to our hospital.

For the 2nd year in a row, pre-K teacher Jane Ziolkowski was the happy recipient of mini origami bags and donated books by the Material Girls

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Florida Dept of Health are always thrilled to receive the blankets, quilts, baby hats, bibs, bears, etc., made by the Material Girls

Pink on Parade - October 2022

Pink on Parade - October 2022

The Material Girls begun to support a Christmas Stocking Project. These handmade stockings will be distributed to needy children in Flagler County through the Christmas Come True organization.

The handmade stockings will be filled with gifts and distributed to children ages 2-12 by the Christmas Come True organization

The Christmas Come True organization has identified at least 500 children needing a stocking!

The Material Girls have been dedicating many hours on a special Christmas Project. They are making Christmas stockings for the 'Christmas Come True' Organization. 500 children will receive these stockings which will be filled by the organization. On Monday, November 1st, Michelle Kreiss Keating and Lucie Lachance dropped off 200 stockings with Nadine King at the Christmas Come True Resale Shop. There are more to come. Check out their website to see how you can help: ChristmasComeTrue.org